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Consider Fred Firestone, principal of the Ethical Selling Institute

Annual Kick-Off Meetings * Keynotes * Breakout Sessions * Workshops

   National Columnist, Attorney, Trainer, Game Show Host, Entrepreneur,
Television "Customer Satisfaction" Expert, Social Worker
Firestone Speaker Summary

I am the principal of The Ethical Selling Institute, a subsidiary of Sempact, Inc. We provide training, speaking (keynotes, breakouts) and coaching to companies and organizations on how to pull ahead of the competition by building more of the EthicalFactor (Trust, Credibility and Partnership) into their products and services. We believe that doing so is not just the right thing to do; it is the ultimate differentiator. 

*Our definition of selling is not the conventional one.  We take a broad look; it encompasses any moment of truth that influences perceptions of service image.  Thus, all people who have contact with customers/clients/guests/patients would be involved in "selling."

Since Sempact's birth in 1988, we've refined our approach to provide clients with a logical process that's yielded some significant results.  Our philosophy presupposes there are no contradictions between doing what is best for you and doing what is best for your clients or customers. I'm linking a recent column I wrote that sets forth our philosophy: PullingAhead of the Competition: Developing and Selling Your Competitive Advantage.

I have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to have spoken to businesses and organizations across the country on how to continuously add more perceived value to products and services so that more business is warranted (Topics: Differentiation, Customer Satisfaction, People Make the Difference).

If you would like to speak with someone about your meeting needs and concerns, call our office: 314-863-4000 or E-mail Us.  Thanks for your interest.

Meeting Planner Concerns

When we speak with meeting planners and speakers' bureaus, they tell us in bringing on a speaker, the following are potential areas of concern:

  • Speaker should have ability to engage participants with information that comes "off the page."
  • Speaker needs to "work the room" and use humor effectively so that participants don't walk away saying, "Didn't have to be here ... could have just read the hand-out."
  • Speaker should understand pertinent challenges/threats that participants may have encountered.
  • Speaker should take his/her message a lot more seriously than him/herself.
  • Speaker should understand that his/her effectiveness turns on his/her ability to address needs of meeting planner as well as participants.
  • Humor should only be used to deliver content.
  • Speaker needs to understand that what he/she says away from the podium, influences his/her (as well as the meeting planner's) service image.

It is extremely important to me to be sensitive to each of these issues. 

Some Pertinent Links

Videos of Presentations

Reference Letters

Background Article about Sempact, Inc.

Sampling of EthicalFactor Clients

Sample Announcement of Keynote: Mailing & Fulfillment Service Association

Sampling of PullingAhead Columns

Topic:  Adding Value and Delivering on Moments of Truth

WOWEDFactor: Key to Business Differentiation

Adding Value To Your Products And Services -- Gas Is Just Gas

Adding Value To Your Products And Services -- Learn To Differentiate Your Offerings

Adding Value To Your Products And Services -- Your People Make The Difference

Competitive Advantage:  Having It And Selling It

Making A Difference With Effective Employees -- Harriet And The $6 Burger

Pulling Ahead Of The Competition:  Lacefield Music

Topic:  Selling the Value

PullingAhead of the Competition:  Developing and Selling Your Competitive Advantage

Differentiating Your Selling Process -- Two Five-Cent Mints Can Make A Difference

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